Empowering Minds with Blockchain

Empower your child this summer to build a solid foundation in blockchain fundamentals & coding using Solidity, the programming language for Ethereum

Enhance Your Child’s Learning

Learning is meant to be an enjoyable process for every child.


Develop Critical Thinking Skills - Learn how blockchain can solve real-world problems, like secure voting systems and supply chain management.

Gain a Competitive Edge - Equip your child with in-demand skills for the future job market in industries like finance, healthcare, and technology.

Foster Creativity and Innovation - Explore how blockchain can revolutionize everyday life, from decentralized social media platforms to digital art ownership.

Delve into the world of smart contracts and witness their endless possibilities. Your child will continue to build on their basic bank program, exploring concepts like state machines and gas fees. Watch their creativity soar as they upgrade the functionality to create a DeFi piggy bank contract.

In a week, your child will

Explore Blockchain Fundamentals

Dive into the world of blockchain, understanding its key concepts and how transactions are chained together.

Understand Blockchain Structure

Dive into the world of blockchain, understanding its key concepts and how transactions are chained together.

Code with Solidity

Learn to code business logic into a blockchain using Solidity, the programming language for Ethereum.

Discover Real-World Use Cases

Explore practical applications of blockchain technology in various industries.

Embrace DeFi

Get introduced to decentralized finance (DeFi) and its modern use cases transforming financial systems.

Don’t just take our word for it

The Blockchain Bootcamp exceeded my expectations! My child not only gained a solid understanding of blockchain fundamentals but also developed coding skills using Solidity. It's truly empowering!
Kayla M
No lie, the bootcamp was pretty cool! I coded some sick smart contracts - a bit boring at first, but once we started coding, things got chill
Tessa G.
I highly recommend the Blockchain Bootcamp for any parent looking to ignite their child's interest in technology. My son is only 9, he was looking up Youtube tutorials by himself after the very first day
Kavitha G
Enrolled on the spur of the moment, but my teenage boys thoroughly enjoyed it. They were bragging about it in their friends group. It's rare to see kids these days talk about anything academic, but this is cool enough, I guess!
Lisa R
Yo, this Bootcamp was straight fire! I learned mad coding skills and got a good grip on what these folks keep yapping about with crypto and all. It's like a secret weapon for the future, fam!
Sammy Z
Bro, the Blockchain Bootcamp was lit AF! No cap!
Alejandro D

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Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about the product and billing.
What is the duration of the Blockchain Bootcamp?
The Blockchain Bootcamp is a one-week program designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of blockchain fundamentals and coding using Solidity. It runs Monday through Friday with different time-slots to choose from in EST & PST - Those in the CST & MST time zones, kindly convert to EST or PST and make your choice.
Is any prior coding experience required to join the Bootcamp?
No prior coding experience is necessary, though some experience with Java/Python is definitely helpful. The Bootcamp is designed to accommodate beginners and provide a solid foundation in blockchain and Solidity coding.
What age group is the Bootcamp suitable for?
The Bootcamp is tailored for ages 8-22, including high school students and college students. Participants will be grouped according to their age and skill bands. 
What topics will be covered during the Bootcamp?
The Bootcamp covers various topics, including blockchain basics, coding with Solidity, blockchain structure, real-world use cases, and an introduction to decentralized finance (DeFi). A full syllabus can be downloaded in pdf format 
 Will participants have hands-on coding experience?
Absolutely! Techfunic specializes in experiential STEM learning. Participants will have hands-on coding opportunities to develop their skills in Solidity and create practical applications using blockchain technology.
Will the Bootcamp provide any certification upon completion?
Yes, participants who successfully complete the Bootcamp will receive a digital certificate of completion, acknowledging their knowledge and skills in blockchain fundamentals and Solidity coding.
Are there any networking opportunities during the Bootcamp?
Yes, the Bootcamp fosters a collaborative learning environment where participants can network with like-minded individuals, fostering connections and potential future collaborations.
Is the Bootcamp conducted online or in-person?
The Bootcamp is conducted online, upon registration a Zoom link will be sent to your email address as a calendar event.
 Can parents or guardians attend the Bootcamp alongside their children?
The Bootcamp is primarily designed for young adults, it is best that children are allowed to absorb this experience by themselves. Interference from parents may not have a positive effect on the child and might diminish their overall engagement. Children should have a quiet space with a computer and laptop to experience the bootcamp optimally. 
How can I enroll in the Blockchain Bootcamp?
To enroll in the Blockchain Bootcamp, please visit our website, you’ll need to create a login, add your child (or yourself), click on the child and proceed to Next for the payment page. Our operations team will contact you in 1-3 business days and you will get the calendar invite with the video class link. 
What resources or materials will be provided during the Bootcamp?
Participants will receive access to comprehensive learning materials, including course notes, coding exercises, and additional resources to support their learning journey.
Can I get a refund if I need to cancel my enrollment?
Cancellations before 7 days from the start of the camp will receive a 100% refund and within 7 days will receive a 50% refund. 
How interactive is the Bootcamp? Will there be opportunities for group discussions and Q&A sessions?
The Bootcamp encourages active participation and engagement. Group discussions, Q&A sessions, and interactive activities will be incorporated to enhance the learning experience and facilitate knowledge sharing.
Will the Bootcamp cover the latest advancements and trends in blockchain technology?
Yes, the Bootcamp aims to provide participants with insights into the latest advancements, trends, and emerging applications in blockchain technology. The curriculum is designed to stay up-to-date with the dynamic nature of the blockchain industry.
Are scholarships or financial assistance available for the Bootcamp?
Scholarship availability varies. We’ve set aside a limited # of discounted seats for candidates with demonstrated need and combined family income of less than $30,000. Please email us at team@techfunic.com for more information.
Can I contact the instructors or teaching staff for additional guidance or questions outside of the Bootcamp hours?
Each student gets a Class folder and course content which is shared with the teachers. Our staff can be alerted to a question/clarification by emailing us at team@techfunic.com or by tagging them in the online class notes with comments or questions. 

A productive + fun start to the summer : 5-Day Blockchain Bootcamp

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